Moon Phase Reports for Bucks

Moon Phase Reports for Bucks

Does deer activity change from one moon phase to another? How about during certain daylight hours of moon phases? Do all bucks move the same way during specific phases or do they move differently due to their own unique personality?

Deer activity, or the lack of activity, during particular moon phases is probably being debated as you read this. Some swear by it and won't hunt without certain moon conditions while others think it’s a joke. No matter what side you lean on DeerLab's new Moon Phase reports will provide data specific to your bucks, allowing you to come to your own conclusions.

The new Moon Phase reports are waiting for your review so just head over to your buck profiles and select the "Moon" tab.

Like all of our other reports, the moon phase report will show you all the data available for that buck from all of his camera sightings. You can mouse over the bar graph to view phase information, like seen below:

Mouse over the various moon phase to view activity sightings

To drill down into a date range, time frame (like morning daylight hours only), or camera location, use the filter next to the graph. Using this information will allow you to see if there are any correlations.

Like other stats for profiled animals, photos in 15-minute increments are counted as 1 sighting to improve data accuracy of the reports. One trail camera will not be promoted above another depending on its settings or location (like a food plot vs. a cam on a trail). You can learn more about why we group photos into sightings on our blog.

We hope you like the data! Stay tune, we have a lot more in store...

Jon Livingston
Jon Livingston
Co-founder, DeerLab
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