We’re excited to announce that Heat Maps are now available for all the bucks (and turkeys, bears, hogs, gators, etc.) you’re tracking.
That means you will now be able to visually see where specific animals are moving on your property - during specific time frames.
The heat map initially shows all sightings of a profiled animal. Note “sightings” are based on groups of trail cam photos (in 15-minute increments) instead of every photo taken. Why? DeerLab calculates sightings instead of actual photos to make all our reports as accurate as possible.
Using the “Limit Date Range” section, you can then use the slider to adjust the dates. The map and camera sighting data will automatically update on the satellite map without refreshing the page.
In addition, we also allow you to show or hide camera names and view the number of sightings per trail camera from the date range selected.
We’ve all forgotten when and where certain bucks are moving. And the more trail cameras you use, the harder it is to remember. The Heat Map satellite view, coupled with DeerLab’s Buck Profiles, not only gives you accurate information from your trail cam photos, it makes it a whole lot easier to understand when and where you should be hanging your tree stands.
If you have already created buck profiles within DeerLab, your heat maps are waiting. Just head over to a profile and look for the “Heat Map” tab.
If you’re new to DeerLab, we invite you to start a free trial and take the heat maps for a spin. It’s a whole new way of seeing how bucks are moving about your property.
Join over 10,000+ subscribers expanding their hunting and trail camera skills.